update_credits( $credits ) { if ( is_array( $credits ) ) { $credits['refresh_date'] = ! empty( $credits['refresh_date'] ) && ! is_int( $credits['refresh_date'] ) ? strtotime( $credits['refresh_date'] ) : $credits['refresh_date']; update_option( self::$credits_key, $credits ); return; } $credits_data = get_option( self::$credits_key, [] ); if ( ! is_array( $credits_data ) ) { $credits_data = [ 'credits' => $credits_data ]; } $credits_data['credits'] = max( 0, $credits ); update_option( self::$credits_key, $credits_data ); } /** * Function to get Default Schema type by post_type. * * @return string Default Schema Type. */ public static function get_outputs() { return get_option( self::$output_key, [] ); } /** * Function to get Default Schema type by post_type. * * @return string Default Schema Type. */ public static function get_chats() { return array_values( get_option( self::$chat_key, [] ) ); } /** * Function to get Recent prompts used in Content AI. */ public static function get_recent_prompts() { return get_option( self::$recent_prompt_key, [] ); } /** * Function to get prompts used in Content AI. */ public static function get_prompts() { return get_option( self::$prompt_key, [] ); } /** * Function to get Default Schema type by post_type. * * @return string Default Schema Type. */ public static function delete_outputs() { return delete_option( self::$output_key ); } /** * Function to get Default Schema type by post_type. * * @param string $endpoint API endpoint. * @param array $output API output. * * @return array */ public static function update_outputs( $endpoint, $output ) { $outputs = self::get_outputs(); $output = array_map( function( $item ) use ( $endpoint ) { return [ 'key' => $endpoint, 'output' => $item, ]; }, $output ); $output = isset( $output['faqs'] ) ? [ current( $output ) ] : $output; $outputs = array_merge( $output, $outputs ); $outputs = array_slice( $outputs, 0, 50 ); update_option( self::$output_key, $outputs, false ); return self::get_outputs(); } /** * Function to get Default Schema type by post_type. * * @param array $answer API endpoint. * @param array $question API output. * @param int $session Chat session. * @param boolean $is_new Whether its a new chat. * @param boolean $is_regenerating Is regenerating the Chat message. * * @return void */ public static function update_chats( $answer, $question, $session = 0, $is_new = false, $is_regenerating = false ) { $chats = self::get_chats(); $data = [ [ 'role' => 'assistant', 'content' => $answer, ], [ 'role' => 'user', 'content' => $question['content'], ], ]; if ( $is_new ) { array_unshift( $chats, $data ); } else { if ( ! isset( $chats[ $session ] ) ) { $chats[ $session ] = []; } if ( $is_regenerating ) { unset( $chats[ $session ][0], $chats[ $session ][1] ); } $chats[ $session ] = array_merge( $data, $chats[ $session ] ); } $chats = array_slice( $chats, 0, 50 ); update_option( self::$chat_key, array_values( $chats ), false ); } /** * Function to update the Recent prompts data. * * @param string $prompt Prompt name. * * @return boolean */ public static function update_recent_prompts( $prompt ) { $prompts = self::get_recent_prompts(); array_unshift( $prompts, $prompt ); $prompts = array_slice( array_filter( array_unique( $prompts ) ), 0, 10 ); return update_option( self::$recent_prompt_key, $prompts, false ); } /** * Function to save the default prompts data. * * @param array $prompts Prompt data. * * @return array */ public static function save_default_prompts( $prompts ) { $saved_prompts = self::get_prompts(); $custom_prompts = ! is_array( $saved_prompts ) || ! empty( $saved_prompts['error'] ) ? [] : array_map( function( $prompt ) { return $prompt['PromptCategory'] === 'custom' ? $prompt : false; }, $saved_prompts ); if ( ! empty( $custom_prompts ) ) { $custom_prompts = array_values( array_filter( $custom_prompts ) ); } $prompts = array_merge( $prompts, $custom_prompts ); update_option( self::$prompt_key, $prompts ); return $prompts; } /** * Function to update the prompts data. * * @param string $prompt Prompt name. * * @return boolean */ public static function update_prompts( $prompt ) { $prompts = self::get_prompts(); $prompts[] = $prompt; update_option( self::$prompt_key, $prompts, false ); return self::get_prompts(); } /** * Function to delete the prompts. * * @param string $prompt_name Prompt name. * * @return array */ public static function delete_prompt( $prompt_name ) { $prompts = self::get_prompts(); $prompts = array_map( function ( $elem ) use ( $prompt_name ) { return $elem['PromptName'] !== $prompt_name ? $elem : false; }, $prompts ); update_option( self::$prompt_key, array_filter( $prompts ), false ); return self::get_prompts(); } /** * Function to get Default Schema type by post_type. * * @param string $index Group index key. * * @return string Default Schema Type. */ public static function delete_chats( $index ) { $chats = self::get_chats(); unset( $chats[ $index ] ); return update_option( self::$chat_key, $chats, false ); } /** * Function to get default language based on the site language. * * @return string Default language. */ public static function content_ai_default_language() { $locale = get_locale(); $languages = array_filter( [ 'Spanish' => Str::starts_with( 'es_', $locale ), 'French' => Str::starts_with( 'fr_', $locale ), 'German' => 'de_DE_formal' === $locale, 'Italian' => Str::starts_with( 'it_', $locale ), 'Dutch' => Str::starts_with( 'de_', $locale ), 'Portuguese' => Str::starts_with( 'pt_', $locale ), 'Russian' => Str::starts_with( 'ru_', $locale ), 'Chinese' => Str::starts_with( 'zh_', $locale ), 'Korean' => Str::starts_with( 'ko_', $locale ), 'UK English' => 'en_GB' === $locale, 'Japanese' => 'ja' === $locale, 'Bulgarian' => 'bg_BG' === $locale, 'Czech' => 'cs_CZ' === $locale, 'Danish' => 'da_DK' === $locale, 'Estonian' => 'et' === $locale, 'Finnish' => 'fi' === $locale, 'Greek' => 'el' === $locale, 'Hebrew' => 'he_IL' === $locale, 'Hungarian' => 'hu_HU' === $locale, 'Indonesian' => 'id_ID' === $locale, 'Latvian' => 'lv' === $locale, 'Lithuanian' => 'lt_LT' === $locale, 'Norwegian' => in_array( $locale, [ 'nb_NO', 'nn_NO' ], true ), 'Polish' => 'pl_PL' === $locale, 'Romanian' => 'ro_RO' === $locale, 'Slovak' => 'sk_SK' === $locale, 'Slovenian' => 'sl_SI' === $locale, 'Swedish' => 'sv_SE' === $locale, ] ); return ! empty( $languages ) ? current( array_keys( $languages ) ) : 'US English'; } /** * Function to get different error codes we get from the API * * @return array Array of error codes with messages. */ public static function get_content_ai_errors() { return [ 'not_connected' => esc_html__( 'Please connect your account to use the Content AI.', 'rank-math' ), 'plugin_update_required' => esc_html__( 'Please update the Rank Math SEO plugin to the latest version to use this feature.', 'rank-math' ), 'upgrade_required' => esc_html__( 'This feature is only available for Content AI subscribers.', 'rank-math' ), 'rate_limit_exceeded' => esc_html__( 'Oops! Too many requests in a short time. Please try again after some time.', 'rank-math' ), 'domain_limit_reached' => esc_html__( 'You\'ve used up all available credits for this domain.', 'rank-math' ), 'account_limit_reached' => esc_html__( 'You\'ve used up all available credits from the connected account.', 'rank-math' ), 'content_filter' => esc_html__( 'Please revise the entered values in the fields as they are not secure. Make the required adjustments and try again.', 'rank-math' ), 'api_content_filter' => esc_html__( 'The output was stopped as it was identified as potentially unsafe by the content filter.', 'rank-math' ), 'could_not_generate' => esc_html__( 'Could not generate. Please try again later.', 'rank-math' ), 'invalid_key' => esc_html__( 'Invalid API key. Please check your API key or reconnect the site and try again.', 'rank-math' ), 'not_found' => esc_html__( 'User wallet not found.', 'rank-math' ), ]; } /** * User migration request. */ public static function migrate_user_to_nest_js() { $registered = Admin_Helper::get_registration_data(); if ( empty( $registered ) || empty( $registered['username'] ) ) { return; } $res = wp_remote_post( CONTENT_AI_URL . '/migrate', [ 'headers' => [ 'Content-type' => 'application/json', ], 'body' => wp_json_encode( [ 'username' => $registered['username'] ] ), ] ); $res_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $res ); if ( is_wp_error( $res ) || 400 <= $res_code ) { return false; } $data = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $res ), true ); $migration_status = $data['status'] ?? ''; return in_array( $migration_status, [ 'added', 'migration_not_needed' ], true ) ? 'completed' : $migration_status; } /** * Function to return the error message. * * @param array $response API response. * @param int $response_code API response code. */ public static function is_content_ai_error( $response, $response_code ) { $data = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ); $data = ! empty( $data ) ? json_decode( $data, true ) : []; if ( is_wp_error( $response ) || 200 !== $response_code || empty( $data ) ) { return ! empty( $data['err_key'] ) ? $data['err_key'] : 'could_not_generate'; } return ! empty( $data['error'] ) ? $data['error']['code'] : false; } /** * Migrate user depending on the error received in the response * * @param array $response API response. */ private static function maybe_migrate_user( $response ) { $data = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), true ); if ( empty( $data['err_key'] ) || 'not_found' !== $data['err_key'] ) { return; } $status = self::migrate_user_to_nest_js(); if ( 'completed' === $status ) { return self::get_content_ai_credits( true, false, true ); } } }