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'Spring' => 'Spring', 'Summer' => 'Summer', 'Summer Sports' => 'Summer Sports', 'Tax Season' => 'Tax Season', 'Tax Services' => 'Tax Services', 'Teens' => 'Teens', 'Telecommunications' => 'Telecommunications', 'Telephone Services' => 'Telephone Services', 'Television' => 'Television', 'Tobacco' => 'Tobacco', 'Tools and Supplies' => 'Tools and Supplies', 'Toys' => 'Toys', 'Travel' => 'Travel', 'Utilities' => 'Utilities', 'Vacation' => 'Vacation', 'Valentine\'s Day' => 'Valentine\'s Day', 'Videos/Movies' => 'Videos/Movies', 'Virtual Malls' => 'Virtual Malls', 'Vision Care' => 'Vision Care', 'Water Sports' => 'Water Sports', 'Web Design' => 'Web Design', 'Web Hosting/Servers' => 'Web Hosting/Servers', 'Web Tools' => 'Web Tools', 'Weddings' => 'Weddings', 'Weight Loss' => 'Weight Loss', 'Wellness' => 'Wellness', 'Wine & Spirits' => 'Wine & Spirits', 'Winter' => 'Winter', 'Winter Sports' => 'Winter Sports', 'Women\'s' => 'Women\'s', ), 'default' => '', 'section' => 'default', ), ); $parent = parent::options(); unset($parent['featured_image']); return array_merge($parent, $options); } }